National Labor Force Survey August 2020 Officers Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Municipality

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National Labor Force Survey August 2020 Officers Training

National Labor Force Survey August 2020 Officers Training

July 28, 2020 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a survey conducted by the BPS-Statistics Indonesia, specifically designed to collect data that can describe the general state of employment between enumeration periods. In general, the purpose of collecting data through Sakernas is to provide a sustainable basis for employment data. Specifically, in order to obtain estimates of data on the number of working population, the number of unemployed people, and other employment indicators and their development at the national, provincial and district / municipality levels. The frequency of data collection is semester and implementation in August will produce employment data at the district /municipality level. The number of samples in Sukabumi Municilapity in Sakernas in August 2020 was 60 Census Blocks or around 600 households, with 39 officers, consisting of 30 enumerators and 9 supervisors / examiners.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the training of officers is still being carried out but by e-learning using Zoom Meeting services. The training was held for 3 days, 28-30 July 2020, opened by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Sukabumi Municipality, Mr. Ir. Suhardono Kardono. Hopefully the field implementation will run smoothly and all officers will always be in good health.
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