The Declaration of the Integrity Zone Development Towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and the BPS-Clean Serving Area (WBBM) of BPS Sukabumi Municipality was held on Thursday, April 15, 2021. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of the Integrated Statistics Processing and Dissemination Function BPS-Statistics of Jawa Barat Province , Jaih Ibrohim, SSi and witnessed online by the Regional Secretary of Sukabumi Municipality - Drs. H Dida Sembada, M.M, who was also pleased to give a speech. Also present online: Kapolresta Sukabumi - AKBP Sumarni, S.IK., SH., MH. ; Head of KPPN of Sukabumi Municipality - Sudirman, S.Sos., MM. ; Deputy Chairman of the DPDRD Sukabumi Municipality - Wawan Juanda; Kadisdukcapil Sukabumi Municipality - Ir. Hj. Kardina Karsoedi, M.T. ; Regional Inspector of Sukabumi Municipality - Een Rukmini, SH, MH; Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi - Dr. Sakti Alamsyah, M.Pd, and representatives from Institutions / Agencies in Sukabumi Municipality, namely the District Court, the District Prosecutor's Office, as well as several OPDs of Sukabumi Municipality, namely Diskominfo and BAPPEDA.
With the support of all parties, we hope that a better BPS-Statistics of Sukabumi Municipality will be realized with Professional - Integrity - Trustworthiness, without Corruption, without Collusion, and without Nepotism.