Training of Sakernas, Susenas and Seruti Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Municipality

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Training of Sakernas, Susenas and Seruti Officer

Training of Sakernas, Susenas and Seruti Officer

January 22, 2024 | BPS Activities

Ahead of the implementation of the February National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) as well as the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) and the Quarterly Household Economic Survey, which this year was accelerated, a hybrid Officer Training was held, a combination of online training with the Zoom application and face-to-face on the last day. The opening of the training for both types of surveys was conducted by the Head of General Subdivision of BPS-statistics Sukabumi Municipality, Wishnu Eka Saputra on the same day, January 22, 2024. There were 47 officers involved in this training, consisting of 7 Sakernas officers and 40 Susenas officers (Batch 1).
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