Rice Retail Sales Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Municipality

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Rice Retail Sales Survey

Rice Retail Sales Survey

July 30, 2021 | BPS Activities

Enumeration of rice prices is faced with the problem of choosing the type and quality of rice that can represent the whole rice that can represent the whole rice circulating in the market. The composition of rice circulating in a market is different from other markets/places. In addition, the composition of the same market may vary over time due to different seasons, changes in the type of rice from the producing area, differences in the type and quality of rice, changes in community demand, distribution disturbances, etc. The Rice Retail Sales Survey (SVPEB) is conducted to monitor changes in the composition of rice circulation in the market due to these factors and is held twice a year (semester). The number of targets for this survey in Sukabumi Municipality is 42 respondents, the enumeration is carried out by an officer. The objectives and benefits of this survey activity are:

Knowing the retail sales volume of rice according to the type and quality traded in the markets;
Knowing the market absorption of various types of rice quality;
Knowing the role of each market in the formation of rice prices in a city.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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