Survey of Medium and Large Scale Companies/Restaurant Businesses - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Municipality

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Survey of Medium and Large Scale Companies/Restaurant Businesses

Survey of Medium and Large Scale Companies/Restaurant Businesses

July 30, 2021 | BPS Activities

Tourism has an important role in national development, especially as a driver of the community's economy. Tourism activities are a very long and broad chain of activities that accommodate employment and expand employment opportunities and can encourage other economic activities. To support this, statistical data and information that are complete, accurate and in sequence are needed. Among them are data on restaurants. Restaurant statistics contain data showing the development of the number and profile of restaurant businesses, employment and other related data. The objectives and benefits of this survey are: To collect data on the number of medium and large-scale restaurant businesses throughout Indonesia; business profile, number of workers, number of guests/visitors, and the development of medium and large-scale restaurant businesses; and the structure of business income and expenses. The data/information can be used as a basis for policy makers, both for the government and business actors. This activity is held annually.
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